Direct Current Strain Amplifier
Model | OSC 92OT201 | ||||||||
Appli cable bridge resis tance | 60 to 2kohm | ||||||||
Appl- ied vol- tage | 3, 10VDC +/-1% 5mA | ||||||||
Range of bal- ance adjust ment | Coarse adjustment: +/-5mV/V (+/-10000x10-6 strain) | ||||||||
Fine adjustment: 1/50 of coarse adjustment | |||||||||
Range of input vol- tage | +/-50mV Max. | ||||||||
Input resis tance | 10Mohm+10Mohm (Equilibrium differential) | ||||||||
Ampli fica- tion | Max. 18,000 times | ||||||||
Sensi tivity adju- ster | 0.1/1, 1/2, 1/5, 1/10, 1/20, 1/50 +/-0.2% and continuity variable from 1/1 to 1/3 | ||||||||
Rated out- put | +/-10V, 3 systems, output resistance of 50ohm for each system | ||||||||
Total output +/-10mA | |||||||||
Zero drift | 0.15micronV/deg.C, 1.5micronA/24H(input terms) | ||||||||
Sensit ivity varia tions | 0.01%/deg.C and 0.03%/24H of measured value | ||||||||
Non linea- rity | 0.005% FS | ||||||||
Low pass filter | Frequency range: 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300Hz, PASS(2kHz) | ||||||||
Attenuation characteristics: -12dB/OCT. Vessel type | |||||||||
High pass filter | Cut Off Frequency: 0.1Hz | ||||||||
Noise | Fre qu- ency range (Hz) | 0. 3 | 1 | 3 | 10 | 30 | 100 | 3 00 | PA- SS |
Input terms (mic ron Vp- p) | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0. 1 | 0. 15 | 0. 3 | 0. 4 | 0.6 | 1. 5 | |
Strain input terms x10-6(10V) | 0. 02 | 0. 02 | 0.02 | 0. 03 | 0. 06 | 0. 08 | 0. 12 | 0. 25 | |
Dyn- amic factor | 4 | ||||||||
Calib ration strain | +/-200, 1000x10-6 strain | ||||||||
Suspended on input signals of +/-(0.2%+0.5X10-6 strain | |||||||||
*Use strain values when the strain factor is 2.00 | |||||||||
Power supply | 100VAC+/-10% 50/60Hz 4VA(1ch) | ||||||||
Cable | 1 pc x 3m per channel for power supply | ||||||||
1 pc x 1.5m for BNC connector | |||||||||
App- rox. Dimen sions and Wei- ght | 1ch: 305D x 66W x 187H mm, 1.5kg | ||||||||
6ch: 340D x 440W x 200H mm, 13kg |