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Thin type (Low pit type) trackscale


-Load cell is installed inside the weighbridge to make as thin as possible.

-Convenient when the pit depth is limited.

Standard type

Model Capacity (kg) Div.(kg) Dimensions
UBM-15 15,000 5 2,400 5,500 11,350
UBM-20 20,000 5 or 10 2,700 6,500 11,350
UBM-25 25,000 5 or 10 2,700 6,500 11,350
UBM-15 15,000 5 2,400 5,500 11,350
UBM-30 30,000 5 or 10 3,000 8,000 12,850
30,000 10,500 15,350
30,000 13,000 17,850
UBM-40 40,000 10 or 20 3,000 8,000 12,850
30,000 10,500 15,350
30,000 13,000 17,850
UBM-50 50,000 10 or 20 3,000 8,000 12,850
30,000 10,500 15,350
30,000 13,000 17,850

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Thin type (Low pit type) trackscale OSC 92UL UBM
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